Conditions for delivery of goods
Cost of goods: Free delivery of goods anywhere in the world. Please note the customs duties on imported goods for your country.

Customs rules in Georgia. According to the Revenue Service, declaration of parcels is a service independent of the postal delivery service and is subject to taxation. In this regard, from November 1, 2021, the declaration service becomes paid, and in the case of online parcels, the declaration fee is 5 GEL.

Customs regulations in the EU. From June 1, 2021, a tax has been introduced in EU countries on orders of any value. Tax payment can range from 10 to 30 euros. We issue packages as gifts with a minimum value, but are not responsible for paying taxes. If your order is subject to tax and you require additional information, please contact us for the required details.

Customs regulations Kazakhstan. From 2020, all goods worth more than 200 euros (or weighing more than 31 kg) when imported into Kazakhstan are subject to a customs duty of 15%. Duty free price limit is 200 euros When you reach this limit on value or weight, you will have to pay a duty of 15% of the excess value of the goods, but not less than 2 euros per 1 kg of weight in terms of excess of the cost or weight norm.
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